Just recently I had a unexpected conversation with a family member that I have on social media, We haven’t had a real live talk for way too long. That family member, is not just any family member but who was a big sister to me.

I grew up in a unfortunate situation, broken family as many have. My favorite saying is:

Broken people, come from Broken people“.

That is a saying I often use because it is so true. Forgiveness is healing!

However, as we talked, she mentioned how her Granddaughter recently had her seventh birthday and added how she “remembered” ME She said she remembered that on my seventh birthday I was really upset, she thought “my Father was not being nice or something”? She couldn’t remember the reason, until I did.

(They put a donkey on my birthday cake)

My Grandpa called me #7, it was a donkey (stubborn jackass) from a tv show called “Grizzly Adams”. I do recall being a tad stubborn, but a donkey? I think I may have enjoyed a fairy princess. Although looking back it made us laugh. We continued to talk about life, kids and how much we have missed about each other in those years, a conversation well overdue.

Later that morning, I was telling my husband about our great conversation and found myself getting choked up as I told him.

“She remembered ME?” She remembered my youth? I spent much of it with her and my Aunt and Uncle who I give much of the credit to who I have become today. They cared for me, when they didn’t have to, They loved me. I can’t even express how close I hold them to my heart. They taught me about Jesus and took me to church and showed me what a real home should look like.

Although, I lived many places as a child so I did what I knew to do…..I grew up and off I went and moved on to the next stop. My natural thought was, I really didn’t matter that much. So off to the next life experience or home, people, boyfriend, husband and sometimes no friends.

After that conversation I just felt God telling me “You are not forgotten”

I call my cousin my Angel, because she will call me out of the blue just when I need to hear a word from God. When things may be happening in life that cause me to struggle within myself, I will hear from her or see something she wrote on social media that is directly related to my struggle. Almost as if she knows!

For many years and reasons, I have lived believing I’m am forgettable. I have felt that way in family, work, friends, church, people I meet, this list goes on. That I really don’t leave anything to be remembered by. So this phone call really brought tears to my eyes and led me to this very verse.

Isaiah 49:16 ” I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands”

God wanted me to know that…..I am NOT forgotten. Sometimes the way he chooses to get my attention, I just have to look up and smile.

Don’t ever think you are forgotten. This world, everything you have, will one day be gone, but God will always remain and He will NEVER forget his child!

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